
NU RCAC is composed of faculty members and Office of the Provost (OTP) staff.  Faculty members (voting and non-voting/nv) are appointed by the Dean of each college. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions about research computing and computing research activities that you would like to raise with the committee, please contact your college’s representative.

Committee Members (alphabetical order)

John Bai (D’Amore-McKim)

Becky Briesacher (Bouvé)

Peter Desnoyers (Khoury)

Cuneyt Eroglu (D’Amore-McKim)

Samantha Gorman (CAMD)

Francisco Hung (COE, nv)

Dave Kaeli (COE)

Alexandros Koliousis (NU London)

Steven Lopez (COS)

Kathleen Lotterhos (COS, committee co-chair)

Steve Lustig (COE, nv)

Justin Majourides (Bouvé)

Glenn Pierce (CSSH)

Greg Shomo (OTP)

Ronald Smith (CAMD)

Devesh Tiwari (OTP, committee co-chair)

Gene Tunik (Bouvé, nv)

Moneesh Upmanyu (COE)

Paul Whitford (COS, nv)

Christo Wilson (Khoury)